Coding Challenge: Influenza in Urgent Care

Determine the correct evaluation and management (E/M) service code for this urgent care encounter:

A 44-year-old female new patient presents to urgent care complaining of symptoms that began
2 days ago and include a nonproductive cough, fever, nasal congestion, nausea and vomiting. Pertinent
negatives include no chest pain, headaches, or orthopnea. Her symptoms are alleviated by OTC cough suppressant. She has no history of COPD.


Review of Systems:

  • Constitutional: Positive for malaise/fatigue. Negative for chills.
  • HENT: Positive for congestion  
  • Eyes: Negative  
  • Cardiovascular: Positive for dyspnea on exertion. Negative for chest pain.
  • Respiratory: Positive for cough. Negative for shortness of breath.  
  • Skin: Negative  
  • Musculoskeletal: Negative for myalgias
  • Gastrointestinal: Positive for nausea. Negative for diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Neurological: Negative for headaches

Past Medical History:

  • Anemia  
  • Bronchitis  

Social History:

  • Nonsmoker
  • Alcohol use (1-2 drinks per week)


  • BP 144/79 mm Hg
  • HR: 109 beats/min, regular
  • RR: 24 breaths/min
  • Temp: 102.6 °F
  • SpO2: 95%
  • Height: 5′ 1″
  • Weight: 119 lb
  • BMI: 22.48 kg/m²

Physical Exam:

  • Constitutional:  
    • General: She is not in acute respiratory distress.
    • Appearance: She is well-developed. She is mildly ill-appearing.
  • HENT:
    • Nose: Mucosal edema present. No congestion.
    • Mouth/Throat:
      • Mouth: Mucous membranes are moist.
      • Pharynx: No posterior oropharyngeal erythema.
  • Neck:
    • Vascular: No JVD.
  • Cardiovascular:
    • Rate and rhythm: Tachycardic; regular rhythm
    • Heart sounds: Normal heart sounds
  • Musculoskeletal:
    • Right lower leg: No edema
    • Left lower leg: No edema
  • Pulmonary:
    • Effort: Pulmonary effort is normal. No respiratory distress.
    • Breath sounds: No stridor. Examination of the lung fields reveals rhonchi. Rhonchi (diffuse mild rhonchi bilaterally; coarse cough) present. No wheezing or rales.
  • Skin:
    • General: Skin is warm and dry.
  • Neurological:
    • General: No focal deficit present.
    • Mental Status: She is alert.
  • Psychiatric:
    • Behavior: Behavior normal.

Imaging last 24 hours:

  • Radiology interpretation
  • 2-view CXR shows no infiltrate or cardiomegaly. No mass or pneumothorax.

Lab orders placed this encounter:

  • POC multiplex test for Flu A/B and SARSCoV-2; positive for influenza type A
  • POC test for RSV; negative.


  1. Influenza Type A
  2. Discussed the risk and benefits of taking antivirals, including side effects and allergic reactions.
  3. Take oseltamivir as prescribed.
  4. Take ondansetron as prescribed.
  5. Follow-up with PCP this week.
  6. Go to the ED if symptoms worsen.
  7. Take OTC acetaminophen PRN for fever and muscle/body aches.
  8. Increase fluids and get plenty of rest.

CHALLENGE: What is the appropriate E/M code for this encounter?

For an in-depth review of this topic, access the full course.

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