What’s Your Diagnosis? Pediatric Ear Complaints

Welcome to this month’s What’s Your Diagnosis Challenge! But before we begin, check to see if…

Test Your Knowledge:  Pediatric Ear Complaints 

The clinical presentation for ear complaints can often overlap with other common pediatric conditions. As such,…

Coding Challenge: Epistaxis in Urgent Care

Determine the correct evaluation and management (E/M) service code for this urgent care encounter: A 67-year-old…

Test Your Knowledge on Epistaxis in Urgent Care (Postscript 2 of 2)

A 3-year-old boy presents to the urgent care with epistaxis in his left nostril that has…

Test Your Knowledge on Epistaxis in Urgent Care (Postscript 1 of 2)

A 25-year-old woman presents to urgent care with a chief complaint of epistaxis in her right…

CRACK THE CODE: Closed Head Injury in Urgent Care

Determine the correct evaluation and management (E/M) service code for this urgent care encounter: A 58-year-old…

What’s Your Diagnosis? Pediatric Sinusitis

Welcome to this month’s What’s Your Diagnosis Challenge! But before we begin, check to see if…

Test Your Knowledge: Pediatric Sinusitis

Upper respiratory infections are some of the most common reasons for pediatric patients to present to…

Acute Otitis Media and Acute Otitis Externa

In this episode, Tracey Davidoff, MD and Joe Toscano, MD discuss the August 2024 Evidence-Based Urgent Care article, Diagnosis…