The Canadian Head CT Rule was originally published in 20011 and validated in 20052. There have been…
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Glascow Coma Scale (GCS)
For children < 2 years old, see the pediatric GCS. Eyes Verbal Motor Most useful when…
Glascow Coma Scale – Pediatric (pGCS)
For use in children age <2. If Child over 2 years old, standard GCS has been shown to…
Sepsis Decision Aid
In the U.S., the treatment of sepsis and septic shock is complicated by strict regulations used…
Penicillin Cephalosporin Cross-Reactivity
According to the CDC: The Northwesten Medicine Antimicrobial Stewardship Program created a B-lactam allergy side chain…
Benzodiazepine Oral Equivalence
Further Reading Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome: Improving Outcomes in the Emergency Department With Aggressive Management Strategies –…
COVID Therapeutics
The following table represents a list of therapeutics known to be effective against the Omicron variant…
A Rare Cause Of Splenic Rupture
Hx: A male in his 30s presents with abdominal pain and vomiting. He relates that he was…
COVID Update (01/2022)
It is January 2022 and many areas across the world are steeped in COVID cases caused…