The PECARN head injury rule was derived in a population of patients younger than 18 years…
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Episode 65 – Acute Joint Pain
Diagnosis and Management of Acute Joint Pain in the Emergency Department  Interview with author: Rachel…
Shortness of Breath
Hx: A young male in his late 20’s presents with shortness of breath. He denies any…
What’s Your Diagnosis? Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
Welcome to this month’s What’s Your Diagnosis Challenge! But before we begin, check to see if…
What’s Your Diagnosis? Diagnosis and Management of Acute Joint Pain in the ED
Welcome to this month’s What’s Your Diagnosis Challenge! But before we begin, check to see if…
Alcohol Withdrawal & CIWA-AR
Treatment Mild (CIWA-Ar <8) Moderate (CIWA-Ar 9-19) Severe (CIWA-Ar >20) The Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment of…
Risk Management Pitfall of Urgent Care Approach to the Syncopal Patient (Postscript 3 of 4)
“I didn’t order a pregnancy test because her abdominal pain was mild after the vasovagal event.…
Flank Pain. CT with or without contrast?
Hx: A middle aged man presents with flank pain. He has no past medical history and…