FOAM Education
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A 7-year-old boy arrives at urgent care with his father. The boy fell off a trampoline…
A 42-year-old woman presents to urgent care with bilateral red eyes for the past 2 days.…
A 34-year-old man presents to urgent care with a complaint of redness and mild irritation in…
A 56-year-old man with hypertension, borderline type II diabetes mellitus, and obesity presents to your urgent…
A 38-year-old woman presents to your urgent care clinic with a chief complaint of “infected foot.” …
A 10-year-old girl presents to your urgent care outside of Philadelphia with a mild fever, fatigue,…
A 52-year-old man arrives at your clinic in central Florida complaining of 3 days of fever,…
A 23-year-old woman presents with lower jaw pain after blunt trauma. She denies dental malocclusion but seems…
A healthy 24-year-old man presents 2 hours after a bicycle accident in which he went over…