How Will Your ED Fare This Halloween? Management of Anaphylaxis in Pediatric Patients

Anaphylaxis is a time-sensitive, clinical diagnosis that is often misdiagnosed because the presenting signs and symptoms…

Test Your Knowledge: Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus in the ED

Nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) is characterized by persistent change in mental status from baseline lasting more…

Brain Teaser: Signs of pneumothorax when seen on thoracic ultrasound

The pediatric patient is arguably more suited for emergency ultrasound than the adult patient. Children generally…

Test Your Knowledge: Concussion in the ED

An increasing number of patients with concussive injuries are presenting to the ED, due to a…

Brain Teaser: When should ketorolac be avoided?

Test your knowledge and see how much you know about pediatric pain management in the emergency…

Test Your Knowledge Management of Patients With Complications of Bariatric Surgery

As bariatric procedures have become more common, more of these patients present to the emergency department…

Brain Teaser: What is the appropriate management of this infant?

Test your knowledge and see how much you know about management and treatment of young infants…

Test Your Knowledge on Assessing Abdominal Pain

Patients with abdominal pain are common in the ED, but you need a strategy for quickly…

Brain Teaser: Do you know which of the following patients meets the criteria for anaphylaxis?

Test your knowledge and see how much you know about recognition and treatment of anaphylaxis in…