Which of the following statements about intrathecal digital nerve blocks is CORRECT?
A. The block is performed with local anesthetic at 2 puncture sites at the base of the finger — one on the radial side and one on the ulnar side. It differs from a traditional digital block because the puncture occurs from the palmar instead of the dorsal side.
B. The technique is simple to perform, and current evidence has demonstrated that intrathecal blocks have similar efficacy and patient satisfaction rates as traditional digital blocks.
C. Intrathecal blocks are currently not recommended due to increased risk of flexor tenosynovitis.
D. An intrathecal block should only be performed after successful application of a ring tourniquet.
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Answer: B. For a demonstration of the intrathecal digital nerve block, see https://youtu.be/RI88vQiZomw
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