In this episode, Sam Ashoo, MD interviews Adam Sigal, MD and Stephanie Costa, MD – the authors of the August 2022 EMP article on Managing Acute Cardiac Valvular Emergencies in the Emergency Department. Listen to the discussion to hear more about the emergency medicine approach to valvular emergencies.
Managing Acute Cardiac Valvular Emergencies in the Emergency Department
EMplify – August 2022
Episode Outline:
- Why Valvular disease?
- How common is it?
- How often do we see it in the ED?
- Which valves are we talking about?
- Aortic Valve Disease
- Types and causes
- Mitral Valve Disease
- Types and causes
- Tricuspid and Pulmonic Disease
- Differential Diagnosis
- acute coronary syndromes (ACS)
- pulmonary embolism
- tamponade
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- pneumonia
- pneumothorax
- Prehospital Care
- Evaluation of chest pain
- History
- Shock
- ED Evaluation
- History
- Aortic Stenosis
- Aortic Regurgitation
- Mitral Stenosis
- Mitral Regurgitation
- Physical exam findings
- Diagnostic Testing
- Labs
- Bedside US
- Formal ECHO
- Treatment
- History
- Special Populations
- Prosthetic valves
- Pregnant patients
Last Updated on January 25, 2023

Sam Ashoo, MD, FACEP, is board certified in emergency medicine and clinical informatics. He serves as EB Medicine’s editor-in-chief of interactive clinical pathways and FOAMEd blog, and host of EB Medicine’s EMplify podcast. Follow him below for more…