Welcome back to another episode of EMplify, the podcast corollary to EB Medicine’s Emergency Medicine Practice. This month, we’ll be talking about sedative-hypnotics. Specifically, we’ll be talking about sedative-hypnotic drug withdrawal syndromes, both the recognition of such syndromes and their appropriate treatment.
This episode’s content was curated by Cynthia Santos, MD, of Emory University Hospital and Ruben Olmedo, MD, who is director of the division of toxicology at Mount Sinai Hospital. Don’t miss it!
Why EB Medicine chose this topic
Pathophysiology of sedative-hypnotic drug withdrawal syndromes
Specific sedative hypnotic classes
Toxicologic syndromes’ differential subcategories
Prehospital care
Initial ED management
Emergency department diagnostic studies
Different classes of medications
Quick rundown of the key take-home points
Bonus: Interview with Dr. Cynthia Santos
Links and Resources:
Sedative-Hypnotic Drug Withdrawal Syndrome: Recognition And Treatment – http://bit.ly/2mp4mAR
Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome: Improving Outcomes Through Early Identification And Aggressive Treatment Strategies (Critical Care Issue) – http://bit.ly/2mWN8hp
Current Guidelines For The Management Of Acute Alcohol Withdrawal In The Emergency Department – http://bit.ly/2nkBM7H
Emory University Hospital – https://www.emoryhealthcare.org/locations/hospitals/emory-university-hospital/
Mount Sinai Hospital – http://www.mountsinai.org/locations/mount-sinai
Twitter Account – @ebmedicine
16th Annual Clinical Decision Making in Emergency Medicine – http://clinicaldecisionmaking.com/
Email: emplify@ebmedicine.net
Last Updated on January 25, 2023

Sam Ashoo, MD, FACEP, is board certified in emergency medicine and clinical informatics. He serves as EB Medicine’s editor-in-chief of interactive clinical pathways and FOAMEd blog, and host of EB Medicine’s EMplify podcast. Follow him below for more…