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What’s Your Diagnosis? Pediatric Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Welcome to this month’s What’s Your Diagnosis Challenge! But before we begin, check to see if…

What’s Your Diagnosis? Elder Abuse and Neglect

Welcome to this month’s What’s Your Diagnosis Challenge! But before we begin, check to see if…

Chaos and Resilience: Surviving a Hurricane in Asheville, NC

In this episode, Dr. Julia Draper shares her firsthand account of managing a crisis during a…

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

In this episode, Tracey Davidoff, MD and Joe Toscano, MD discuss the September 2024 Evidence-Based Urgent Care article, Urgent…

Maladaptive Perfectionism with Rob Orman, MD

In this episode, Sam Ashoo, MD interviews Rob Orman, MD about the concept of maladaptive perfectionism…

Test Your Knowledge: Pediatric Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Pediatric gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding ranges from mild and self-limited cases to severe episodes of hemorrhagic shock.…

Test Your Knowledge: Elder Abuse and Neglect

The prevalence of elder abuse and neglect is trending upward among American seniors, but physician reports…


After you complete the The Urgent Care EKG Course, review each EKG strip presented below and…

EKG STRIP TEASERS: The Urgent Care EKG Course

Test your EKG interpretation skills with these “strip teasers.” If you aren’t satisfied with your skills,…