Patient History – Repetition Helps

One of my favorite attendings in residency, Dr. Asimos, would take each of us into a…

EKG Tips for Urgent Care Patients

Jennifer Carlquist, PA-C, and course director of The Urgent Care EKG Course shares a few helpful…

Coding Challenge: Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections in Urgent Care

Determine the correct evaluation and management (E/M) service code for this urgent care encounter: SUBJECTIVE 34-year-old…

Test Your Knowledge of Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections in Urgent Care (Postscript 1 of 2)

A 56-year-old man with hypertension, borderline type II diabetes mellitus, and obesity presents to your urgent…

Test Your Knowledge of Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections in Urgent Care (Postscript 2 of 2)

A 38-year-old woman presents to your urgent care clinic with a chief complaint of “infected foot.” …

EKG Tips for Treating Patients

This month, Jennifer Carlquist, PA-C and course director of The Urgent Care EKG Course wanted to…

Essential Tools – 2 – Laceration Kit

The most important tools we use for managing lacerations are the instruments that come in the…

Coding Challenge: Tick-Borne Illness in Urgent Care

Determine the correct evaluation and management (E/M) service code for this urgent care encounter: SUBJECTIVE 35-year-old…

Test Your Knowledge of Tick-Borne Illnesses in Urgent Care (Postscript 1 of 2)

A 10-year-old girl presents to your urgent care outside of Philadelphia with a mild fever, fatigue,…