The Conclusion Is… A subdural or epidural hematoma would have to be extensive to cause hemiparesis,…
Category: What’s Your Diagnosis
Something doesn’t add up…
A 29-year-old woman is brought in by EMS after a motor vehicle accident in which she…
“A case of Rhabdomyolysis?” Case Conclusion
The Conclusion Is… The patient had clearly developed pneumonia, which was unsuccessfully treated from the previous…
A case of Rhabdomyolysis…
A nurse informs you of a new patient who ?just doesn?t look well.? You assess the…
“Chief Complaint: Lethargy” … Case Conclusion
The Conclusion Is… The local Poison Control Center was promptly contacted and the controversies, risks, and…
Chief Complaint: Lethargy…
EMS brings in a 64-year-old gentleman with a chief complaint of lethargy. On arrival, the patient…
“Antimicrobial Therapy” … Case Conclusion
The Conclusion Is… The 35-year-old female was young and healthy, and therefore a decision was made…
Welcome To “What’s Your Diagnosis?”
Welcome to EB Medicine?s “What’s Your Diagnosis” blog! We created ?What?s Your Diagnosis? to be a…