What’s Your Diagnosis? Assisting With Air Travel Medical Emergencies

But before we begin, check out if you got last month’s case, on assess anticoagulation status,…

An 8-year-old boy presents to the ED after falling at a local playground

An 8-year-old boy presents to the ED after falling at a?local playground. His mother, who was…

How best to assess his anticoagulation status

As you begin your shift, the first patient is a 70-year-old man brought in for a…

Febrile Young Infants In the ED — How do you Manage them?

Case Recap: A 40-day-old girl presents to the ED in January for evaluation of a rectal…

How Do You Manage Bariatric Surgery Complications?

Case Recap: You are called to the bedside of patient who presents for nausea and vomiting.…

68-year-old woman presents with severe abdominal pain

Case Recap: As you begin your shift, a 68-year-old woman presents with severe abdominal pain. She…

A 3-year-old girl with a known peanut allergy

Case Recap: A 3-year-old girl with a known peanut allergy arrives to your ED via EMS.…

It is Trauma Awareness Month! Can you solve the trauma case below?

Do you need to do anything regarding the missing fragment? — ED Management of Dental Trauma…

It is Stroke Awareness Month! Can you solve the stroke case below?

Was it a “mini stroke”? — ED Management of Transient Ischemic Attack Case Recap: A 59-year-old…